Year: 2008

23/06/2008 RTyl 0 Comments


Embedding Your Flash File in a XHTML Page.

I spent many happy (I think not) hours looking for a way to embed my movie into an xhtml page. You can check the result here if you would please, or just take my word for it. If you really must join me in having flash embedded content in your web developments (frowned upon in many circles I know, and sometimes for good reason) look no further than the method that follows….

08/03/2008 RTyl 0 Comments

Just read this article by Andy Rutledge in which he examines a couple of the inferior Web design conventions still ‘knocking around’ the web. He exposes their flaws and then suggests more effective alternatives to these conventions, explaining why they work better.

Do take a look at the link if you find web design issues interesting.

Andy Rutledge Article Link Bad Layout Conventions

19/02/2008 RTyl 0 Comments

I’ve had the problem of testing the IE6 user agent rendering of my Web Sites for a while now! The notorious browser bugs of this Web Browser were being handled by my use of multiple style sheets (and still are – only now I use the Explorer built in comment selection of styles). After install of IE 7 though everything went pear shaped (as no support for checking IE6 was avaiable after the browser upgrade).