Site Overview.
This website is implemented using the WordPress open source blogging tool/content management system (CMS). The underlying code used to render the pages is PHP, HTML5 and CSS3 (with media queries to serve content to mobile user agents). The site is stored and rendered by means of a MySQL relational database. WordPress uses a plug-in architecture and a template system (based on ‘Theme’ folders). WordPress is currently the most popular blogging system in use on the Web, and is estimated to be rendering over 60 million websites worldwide.
1. Theme
- Theme Name: IWav (based on the Illdy) Theme
- Status: New theme applied, Update to use secure sockets layer.
- Original Theme URI:
- Authors: Colorlib, The colorlib team with theme modifications by wavdesign.
- Description: A fully responsive, customizable WordPress Theme.
- License: GNU General Public License v2 or later.
- Theme Tags: blog, e-commerce, portfolio, Twitter Bootstrap 3, Desktop first design
The following additional/replacement fonts and font families are used:
- Logo font: Ariston Wd
- Leader Text: Raleway
- Body Text: Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
- Comment Text: Consolas, Monaco, Lucida Console, monospace
Colour distribution

Colour Percentages

Colour Breakdown
- #7999C5 50%
- #5C82A8 11%
- #98B0C7 10%
- #9AB2D4 5%
- #AFC3DA 5%
- #57759E 5%
- #7C9BC7 3%
- #94A0AC 3%
- #DA8368 3%
- #7293B0 2%
- #81A1C6 2%
- #A6B5CF 1%
Colour Wheel
2. Links
Advisory regarding links from this website to other websites:
- This website may include links which will take you to a website of a party other than Wavdesign. Obviously cannot be responsible for the content of these external links.
Polite advisory regarding links from other websites to this website:
- The Wavdesign company name, and logo should not be used as a link button on any other website. Please respect this request.
- Although links from other websites to this website are allowed (and in any case cannot be directly controlled), Wavdesign assumes no responsibility for the content of the other websites.
- Links to this website from any website to which the following applies are strictly prohibited:
- Any website that defames or impairs the reputation of any other company (person) or organisation.
- Any website that may have illegal content or content that offends public order and morality.
- Any website that is misleading to a third party, such as a website that opens this or another website within a fram.
3. Recommended Browsers
Note: These may not be the latest versions of Browser. Please check on the respective website of your chosen browser
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Netscape Navigator
4. Operating Systems.
These are the three recommended operating systems to use for running your chosen web browser.
Microsoft: Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP
Apple: Mac OS
Canonical: Ubuntu
5. Plug-ins

Adobe Reader distributed by Adobe Systems Incorporated is required to view the PDF files on this website.
6. Changing the Font Size
If you want to change the font size on this website, click and hold down the Control Key on your keyboard and use the [+] and [-] to adjust font size. If you have a mouse with a center wheel this also will enable you to enlarge the page size in conjunction with the ‘Ctrl’ key.
7. Cookies
Wavdesign uses cookies to improve view-ability when revisited. A cookie is recorded in your computer when you visit the website. Note that the recorded information does not include any personal information, such as the your name, e-mail address, telephone number, or home address. If you do not want to use cookies, you can set your browser to reject cookies. However, when your browser is set to reject cookies, the services provided by this website may not operate properly.
8. JavaScript
These web pages use JavaScript to improve functionality and user-friendliness. The website may not function correctly or the pages may not be displayed correctly if JavaScript is turned off in your browser.
9. CSS
This website contains pages that use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) technology. To display the pages correctly, enable CSS in your browser settings.
10. Access Data Collection
This website contains pages that use a statistical tool for identifying access trends. The collected access data is for improving user-friendliness and for sustaining and improving the quality of the website.
11. Print View
Should you need to print a website page, unnecessary areas such as the header, footer, and menu area of that page will be omitted. Only the page contents will be rendered to the printer. The layout of a printed page therefore will appear different to the page viewed on the screen.
Additionally, please note that many of the graphical images will not be printed when you print a page. To print the background, turn on the "Print background" setting in your browser, or take a screen shot (Ctrl/PrnScr) of the screen.