Embedding Your Flash File in a XHTML Page.

23/06/2008 RTyl 0 Comments

I spent many happy (I think not) hours looking for a way to embed a movie into an xhtml page. Anyway, if you really must join me in having flash embedded content in your web developments (frowned upon in many circles I know, and sometimes for good reason) then look no further than the method that follows…. After ‘Satay’ comes this Flash embedding method from Geoff Stearns. It’s been around for quite a while but it’s far better (or seems to be) than some of the newer posts I’ve been reading lately (not mentioning any names of course). In fact in my humble opinion I’d say that at the time of writing this is THE best method I’ve found to include Flash in a page by far. As you might expect it does include JavaScript, but you can use the example (script) provided on which to base a similar version.

All I can say is – Thanks Geoff.

Here’s the source of the article – http://blog.deconcept.com/2005/03/31/proper-flash-embedding-flashobject-best-practices/

Good Luck with this, but I don’t think you’ll need it if you’re familiar with Flash Embedding already and are just looking for a better method. It could be this one. [Update January 2015] Although the article linked above is still partially relevant, here is a direct link to the method for embedding flash using the SWF Object:


Of course there are now more modern methods of embedding your videos in a web page using HTML5. Here is a link to one of many articles I found which explains how to use the technique. Whether you are up to speed with HTML5 or not, this is a far superior method for video embedding


I hope you find this content useful.

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