Course: MVA – Single Page Applications with jQuery or AngularJS.
Module 2: Using AngularJS to Create a SPA
Sources: main-app.start.js & index.html
main-app.start – source code
"use strict"; angular.module('MainApp', [ ]) .controller("MainController", function ($scope, $http) { // $scope.hello = “world”; //debug statement to check correct setup var config = { headers: { 'X-ZUMO-APPLICATION': 'ImDNVYiBYFCuENASFmQupAMlDUzamP37' } }; getNames(); $scope.people = []; $scope._name = "Default Name"; $scope._location = "Default Location"; $scope.user = { name:function(theName){ if(angular.isDefined(theName)){ this._name = theName; } return this._name; }, location:function(theLocation){ if(angular.isDefined(theLocation)){ this._location = theLocation; } return this._location; } } function getNames() { $http.get('', config) .then(function (res) { console.log(res); $scope.people =; }); } // add in resource function addName(user){ //$scope.categories.push(user); $'', user, config) .then(function (res) { $scope.getNames(); }); } $scope.addName = addName; $scope.getNames = getNames; })
index.js – source code
MVA Angular Tutorial {{hello}}
MVA Jquery Tutorial
- Name:{{}},Location:{{person.location}}