By way of having a little time to spare, here’s what a popular AI engine had to say about the state of the internet and…
By way of having a little time to spare, here’s what a popular AI engine had to say about the state of the internet and…
As you’re probably aware the Bootstrap Framework has recently undergone a major overhaul. Heres a quick comparison of the new and deprecated features – Another…
We were discussing the ’em’ unit at work today (and font sizing on a web page in general as a matter of fact) and after…
I’ve been using the CSS online checking facility provided by the W3C for many years now. This resource allows you to add a link to your web pages which when followed, reports on the compliance of the page to the recommended W3C standards. If the page doesn’t comply then any discrepancies are listed for the user to rework.
The Page or Folder you have requested has not been found on the server. This is likely to be due to content updates which are frequent on the Wavdesign site.
Cascading Style Sheets (otherwise known as CSS) is a simple mechanism for adding style (e.g.fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents.
CSS is formally described in two specifications from W3C: CSS1 and CSS2.
CSS1 was issued in December 1996 and describes a simple formatting model mostly for screen-based presentations. It has around 50 properties (for example color and font-size).
Many Thanks.
Rob.(Web Site Developer at Wavdesign)