07/12/2007 RTyl 0 Comments

2. Don’t rely on color alone.

Ensure that text and graphics are understandable when viewed without color.

If color alone is used to convey information, people who cannot differentiate between certain colors and users with devices that have non-color or non-visual displays will not receive the information. When foreground and background colors are too close to the same hue, they may not provide sufficient contrast when viewed using monochrome displays or by people with different types of color deficits.


2.1 Ensure that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup. [Priority 1]

2.2 Ensure that foreground and background color combinations provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits or when viewed on a black and white screen. [Priority 2] for images, [Priority 3] for text.

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