‘Drupal 5.3 and ‘Moodle’ 1.7.3 version updates

10/11/2007 RTyl 0 Comments

I completed the set up this ‘Drupal-5.3’ site today and it’s starting to take shape. Not much content yet though. Hope you like it reader, though there’s not really much to like as it’s still in it’s default skin etc. Much to do if I get time over the coming months. Looking at these content management systems again made me take a look into my ‘Moodle’ implementation, a link to which can be found on the ‘Portfolio’ page of this site. It’s been a while since I looked at it or visited the host site. After doing so and reading about the latest releases of this free content management system I decided to reinstall (as I’ve found that upgrades can be tricky when jumping versions (1.6 to 1.7.3 is a bit of a jump I thought). Anyway the new implementation is up and running and it’s a great improvement on the old system. Again lots of content to add so that I can emulate a real educational establishment website. As if I haven’t got better things to do. Rob.

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